
about Me: James Stewart

I was born and raised in Durham, North Carolina. I grew up down a dirt road, in a very Christian home where spirituality was (and still is) almost tangible. Our parents instilled in us a deep appreciation and love of God. As I grew up I began to delve into other waters of spirituality. While I liked the feeling of having a different conversation with the divine, something didn’t quite fit. It wasn’t until I discovered Hoodoo around age 18 that I began to feel more alignment with my spiritual path and a connection to my ancestors.

That’s not to say that I didn’t have some figuring out to do along the way. It wasn’t until 22 that I became consistent with my practice. Through the help various teachers, books, and my ancestors, I began to piece together methods of healing, cleansing, protection, and manifesting my goals. That was around the same time that I started professional home cleaning as a side job. Spirit eventually led me to combine both my spiritual practices with my love of transforming someone’s space. Thus, Conjure Cleaning was born.